lean services

All articles about lean services

From silos to synergy
October 9, 2024
From silos to synergy

INTERVIEW – Ahead of the Lean Global Connection 2024, we hear from Kruk S.A. in Poland to learn how they leveraged “centres of excellence” to break down company silos.

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Elisa: improving telecoms with Lean and Kata
August 16, 2024
Elisa: improving telecoms with Lean and Kata

INTERVIEW - Faced with the difficulties of a project that didn't go as planned, this Finnish telcom turned to Lean Thinking. Ahead of their presentations at the LGC 2024, they tell us about their journey and how Kata became instrumental to their transformation.

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The power of the Arrow
August 24, 2023
The power of the Arrow

INTERVIEW - The Food&Beverage department of the Gran Tacande Hotel in Tenerife has been using a powerful visual management tool to effectively visualize and track the variables impacting the work flow.

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Lean helps us to fulfil our promise to customers
August 17, 2023
Lean helps us to fulfil our promise to customers

CASE STUDY – To bring consistency to the service provided to customers across their network of workshops, this Brazilian company has turned to Lean Thinking. Along the way, they found in it a different approach to leadership.

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A new strategy for a new era
July 13, 2023
A new strategy for a new era

WEB SERIES – In the second episode of our docuseries on lean in Chile, we learn how, with a clear purpose and strong commitment from leadership, SKC is transforming its processes and mindset and building a competitive advantage.

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How hoshin is giving us a common purpose
April 26, 2022
How hoshin is giving us a common purpose

CASE STUDY – This 104-year-old Chilean provider of integral solutions for the mining industry has turned to hoshin kanri to effectively connect everyone’s work with the overall business strategy.

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Learning our way to the top of the mountain
July 13, 2020
Learning our way to the top of the mountain
No items found.

CASE STUDY – By building Lean Thinking into its processes and culture and developing people’s capabilities, this Norwegian company serving the oil&gas sector achieved fantastic results.

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Sorting out sourcing
February 20, 2020
Sorting out sourcing

FEATURE – The Sourcing team at insurance company SulAmérica tells us about how they were able to transform the process in their department in order to become more efficient in dealing with their workload.

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Extracting waste from our process
January 23, 2020
Extracting waste from our process

CASE STUDY – In a Brazilian insurance company, a team worked hard to streamline the revision of dental claims – a great example of Lean Thinking in an administrative process.

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Paying our dues
March 28, 2019
Paying our dues

CASE STUDY – This Polish debt collection company is refocusing its work around true customer needs and increasing problem visibility by implementing hoshin kanri.

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The lean veterinarian
December 11, 2018
The lean veterinarian

INTERVIEW – A 22-people veterinarian hospital in Barcelona has recently turned to lean thinking. We caught up with the owner to learn how things have changed six months into the journey.

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Retaining talent to make a difference
October 17, 2018
Retaining talent to make a difference

NOTES FROM THE GEMBA – This French company provides support to the severely disabled, and is currently using lean thinking to limit employee turnover and recruit faster.

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Leaning out transitional care
October 21, 2022
Leaning out transitional care

CASE STUDY – The transfer of a patient from one care setting to another is a delicate time. Insurance company SulAmérica has used its extensive lean experience to improve transitional care, and here’s how they did it.

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Lean in government, a comeback?
February 14, 2023
Lean in government, a comeback?

FEATURE – At a recent Lean Day, our editor was reminded of the immense potential of Lean Thinking applied to government. After a few sleepy years, is lean in the public administration having a comeback?

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Our experience teaching lean at SulAmérica
August 13, 2020
Our experience teaching lean at SulAmérica

FEATURE – What does it take to support a lean transformation from within? The author reflects on the role of the lean team in the turnaround of Brazilian insurance company SulAmérica.

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The impressive lean turnaround of DBS Bank in Singapore
June 5, 2017
The impressive lean turnaround of DBS Bank in Singapore

CASE STUDY – Over the past few years, DBS Bank in Singapore has undergone an extraordinary turnaround inspired by lean. Here, the COO explains how the company has become the world's "best digital bank".

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Double interview: 365 and Dreamplace
February 28, 2023
Double interview: 365 and Dreamplace

INTERVIEW – Earlier this month, we attended a Lean Day at Dreamplace Hotels and Resorts in the Canary Islands. We sat down with two lean leaders to discuss the transformations of their businesses.

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An experiment with cellular thinking
June 18, 2020
An experiment with cellular thinking

INTERVIEW – Today’s story takes us to Iceland, where a senior leader in a utility company introduced cellular thinking to her team in a bid to improve flexibility and better working conditions.

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Supporting the Australian service industry
March 16, 2019
Supporting the Australian service industry

INTERVIEW – What skills do coaches need to successfully support lean transformations in the service sector? Our colleagues from Australia tells us about their experience.

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How lean knowledge travels across a hotel chain
February 12, 2019
How lean knowledge travels across a hotel chain

INTERVIEW – Three hotel directors from the same chain in the Canary Islands give us the lowdown on the company’s strategy to facilitate the transfer of lean knowledge from one location to another.

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Pioneering lean thinking in hotels
January 17, 2019
Pioneering lean thinking in hotels

FEATURE – Dreamplace Hotels in Tenerife have been on an improvement journey for several years, but only recently did they find a way to truly become a learning organization: lean thinking.

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How lean is securing the future of this digital advertiser
February 20, 2018
How lean is securing the future of this digital advertiser

CASE STUDY – How do you keep up with a market changing at the speed of light? The Chief Inventor of an Australian digital company explains how they are using lean to safeguard their future.

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Freeing up cash by reducing stock at a lean car dealership
January 5, 2018
Freeing up cash by reducing stock at a lean car dealership

FEATURE – This story from Cape Town car dealership Halfway Ottery shows just how much eliminating stock can contribute to turning around a business by freeing up cash.

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At the service of customer centricity
November 25, 2022
At the service of customer centricity

CASE STUDY – This Shared Service Center in Poland has leveraged lean, technology, and automation to completely transform itself and provide an ever-better customer experience.

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A successful experiment with virtual care
November 22, 2022
A successful experiment with virtual care

CASE STUDY – The Covid-19 pandemic has accelerated the application of Virtual Healthcare across the world. In South Australia, this has been implemented in urgent care.

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How cultural change has fueled our transformation
November 2, 2022
How cultural change has fueled our transformation

INTERVIEW – This metalworking company based in Poland has leveraged the cultural change brought by Lean Thinking to significantly improve its processes. Ahead of his presentation at the LGC, their lean manager tells us how they did it.

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Making lean relatable and meaningful
October 25, 2022
Making lean relatable and meaningful

INTERVIEW – General Electric’s Angie Norman talks to our editor about the lean journey of the company’s Finance department and how the area became a driver of GE’s overall transformation.

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Remote working at SulAmérica
May 10, 2021
Remote working at SulAmérica

FEATURE – Fourteen months after the beginning of the pandemic, the author reflects on the challenges and opportunities that remote working has brought to this insurance company.

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Quality first means more sales
June 25, 2020
Quality first means more sales

CASE STUDY – This insurtech venture has found in Lean Thinking a way to tackle its many scaling issues. It’s grown from two to fifty-five people in less than four years, ultimately thanks to a strong focus on quality.

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Lean enables agile scale-up at Finnish Broadcasting Company
November 21, 2016
Lean enables agile scale-up at Finnish Broadcasting Company

CASE STUDY – The Finnish Broadcasting Company has been leveraging lean thinking to scale up its agile work. In the process, it has developed a greater understanding of customer value.

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What a lean digital marketing agency look like
November 14, 2016
What a lean digital marketing agency look like

FEATURE – With lean thinking, Madrid-based Neo@Ogilvy is hoping to create a stronger connection with customers, thus learning to create value for them and redefining the overall purpose of marketing.

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Follow the gemba walk in a SNCF train maintenance center
November 7, 2016
Follow the gemba walk in a SNCF train maintenance center

NOTES FROM THE GEMBA - We follow the author on a visit to a train maintenance center in France. Through practical examples and pictures from the gemba, she explains how the center is transforming itself.

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A story of caring leadership and creativity
November 28, 2021
A story of caring leadership and creativity

FEATURE – A leader’s creativity and care for her people can lead to extraordinary results even in the most challenging of environments. As the latest LGN book comes out, the author reflects on one of the most impressive lean transformations you will come across.

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10 obstacles to a lean transformation
December 3, 2020
10 obstacles to a lean transformation

FEATURE – Hansei is a powerful tool that helps us understand Lean Thinking and advance on our journey. The author shares the lessons he learned from the struggles Halfway Toyota encountered during its years-long transformation.

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An obeya to build and industrialize our IT delivery
October 29, 2020
An obeya to build and industrialize our IT delivery

FEATURE – In this article we learn how the creation of an Obeya helped an international insurance company boost collaboration among functions and accelerate the delivery of an important IT project.

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Why lean marketing is the future
July 23, 2020
Why lean marketing is the future

FEATURE – No organization can expect to survive without a sound marketing strategy. The author outlines the main elements and advantages of a lean marketing approach.

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Leveraging lean learnings to face the crisis
April 8, 2020
Leveraging lean learnings to face the crisis

NOTES FROM THE (VIRTUAL) GEMBA – This week, the author chats with an innovative insurance company as it relies on its lean learnings to ensure business continuity and switch to remote working during the Covid-19 crisis.

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Predictable vs unpredictable work
February 6, 2020
Predictable vs unpredictable work

FEATURE – It is a common misconception that our work is too unpredictable to fit into a standardized approach. The author debunks this myth.

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Attorney at lean
November 21, 2019
Attorney at lean

CASE STUDY – A boutique law firm in Milan has initiated a lean transformation to turn around its processes, improve service to its clients and make life easier for the team.

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When lean takes off
September 12, 2019
When lean takes off

NOTES FROM THE GEMBA – The author visits the Parisian airport of Orly to learn about a pilot project (pun intended) that aims to tackle the late departure of flights using lean thinking.

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Banking on hoshin
April 2, 2019
Banking on hoshin

FEATURE – What a Brazilian bank has learned from its first few steps in adopting hoshin kanri through structured problem solving and people development.

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Lean delivery
January 15, 2019
Lean delivery

NOTES FROM THE GEMBA – After re-insourcing its bike repair workshop, a distribution center of France's La Poste has begun to recover long-lost knowledge about the work of mailmen and using it to innovate.

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A bold lean experiment in one of our kitchens
November 27, 2018
A bold lean experiment in one of our kitchens

FEATURE – The lean mindset Legal Sea Foods has developed is allowing the company to run bold, aggressive experiments that might some day reinvent the way their restaurant kitchens work.

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How we are creating a lean daily management system
November 8, 2018
How we are creating a lean daily management system

VIDEO – The director of a hotel in Tenerife explains the first steps the team is taking to develop a lean daily management system, and how this connects to the organization's hoshin.

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Making hoshin work for our lean hotel
October 25, 2018
Making hoshin work for our lean hotel

VIDEO - The director of a hotel in the Canary Islands explains the hoshin efforts taking place in the organization and takes us through the lean strategy deployment boards she uses to track progress and highlight problems.

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Bringing humanity back into customer support
August 6, 2018
Bringing humanity back into customer support

INTERVIEW – We have come to dread having to interact with customer support representatives, and quite rightly so. Basecamp has made it a mission to bring humanity back to this interaction.

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The architecture of a lean transformation
July 17, 2018
The architecture of a lean transformation

FEATURE – The role of the coach in a lean transformation is an often-debated topic. The author discusses his experience building the architecture of the Halfway turnaround.

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Using lean to gain a competitive advantage
July 13, 2018
Using lean to gain a competitive advantage

NOTES FROM THE GEMBA – In the web marketing world, a competitive advantage is a matter of life and death for businesses. The author meets a firm that has been leveraging lean to gain one.

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The post-Toyota future of the lean community in Australia
May 16, 2018
The post-Toyota future of the lean community in Australia

INTERVIEW – With the closure of Toyota’s operations in Altona, the land Down Under is left without its lean poster child. Alister Lee tells us who the community there should look to next.

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How the 365 bakeries improved service to clients with lean
March 2, 2018
How the 365 bakeries improved service to clients with lean

THE LEAN BAKERY – In this video, a shop coordinator explains how the 365 bakeries were able to speed up service to customers and ensure product quality by reorganizing work and responsibilities.

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Managing a chain of 100 cafes in Barcelona with lean
January 23, 2018
Managing a chain of 100 cafes in Barcelona with lean

THE LEAN BAKERY - For the past decade, lean has fuelled the growth of a chain of cafes/bakeries in Barcelona. With 100 now open, the Retail Manager explains how lean helps them manage a booming business.

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Leveraging lean thinking to build community prosperity
October 18, 2017
Leveraging lean thinking to build community prosperity

FEATURE – Riverview Gardens in an NGO striving to build prosperity for the community around it through capability development. The authors suggest this should be the goal for the lean community as a whole.

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Lean in a building maintenance and renovation company
August 9, 2017
Lean in a building maintenance and renovation company

FEATURE – Visualizing the work, increasing customer focus and changing the way to interact with employees has helped a family-run Dutch building maintenance and renovation firm to transform itself.

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Focusing on problem solving at the front line
November 3, 2016
Focusing on problem solving at the front line

FEATURE – When market changes caused operational problems in their firm, two top managers decided to stick to lean thinking (and a set of specific practices) – learning to focus on what truly matters and letting their people embrace problem-solving.

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Bringing lean principles to restaurant kitchens
June 6, 2016
Bringing lean principles to restaurant kitchens

INTERVIEW – An American group of restaurants is experimenting with the application of lean thinking in its kitchens and dining areas. Planet Lean had a word with the chefs to see what’s cooking.

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Change management at an airline catering business using lean thinking
June 12, 2014
Change management at an airline catering business using lean thinking

INTERVIEW - Having to adapt to changing customer needs, KLM Catering Services decided to turn to lean thinking, reducing its changeover times and recycling more.

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The people-led lean turnaround of a chain of car dealerships
September 4, 2017
The people-led lean turnaround of a chain of car dealerships

DOCUMENTARY – In PL’s first ever documentary, we share the story of a chain of car dealerships in Africa. Watch and learn how people development and lean leadership made for one of the best turnarounds you’ll ever encounter.

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Growing car sales by 400% in a dealership using lean
October 4, 2017
Growing car sales by 400% in a dealership using lean

FEATURE – For the first article in our series on the Halfway transformation, we asked the Sales team to tell us about how they apply lean to selling cars in a challenging social context.

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How lean coaching changed the culture of a restaurant chain
August 23, 2017
How lean coaching changed the culture of a restaurant chain

FEATURE – An approach based on coaching and experiments is transforming the way restaurant chain Xibei works with its people to improve service and dishes: the story of Chef Liang and his Kongfu fish.

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How Tokheim uses 5s to boost its environmental performance
June 7, 2017
How Tokheim uses 5s to boost its environmental performance

FEATURE – The many benefits of 5S are well known, but few people realize the positive impact the technique can have on our environmental performance, says our lean and green correspondent after visiting Tokheim Italia.

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Learn about the BBC's improvement initiative Spark
February 1, 2017
Learn about the BBC's improvement initiative Spark

INTERVIEW – The British Broadcasting Company (BBC) has been working with a lean-inspired improvement program that is gradually transforming the culture of the business – one creative idea at a time.

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How humility transformed a car dealership in Botswana
January 5, 2017
How humility transformed a car dealership in Botswana

CASE STUDY – The story of how a humble leader, who recognizes the importance and contribution of each individual to the company’s success, is making a car dealership in Botswana a fantastic example of lean transformation.

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Applying lean thinking to the maintenance of train bogies
October 10, 2016
Applying lean thinking to the maintenance of train bogies

FEATURE – A Dutch company that maintains and overhauls train bogies has realized that in order for lean to work, a focus on continuous learning must be established. Here is how they are trying to get there.

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All by Yourself? Find Your Lean Trojan Horse
December 15, 2015
All by Yourself? Find Your Lean Trojan Horse

FEATURE ARTICLE - Sometimes, introducing lean thinking in an organization can make you feel lonely and hopeless. This article, which draws on the author's experience working with a chain of supermarkets in Siberia, offers some tips on what to do to start off a lean transformation.

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Lean thinking for the public good: feeding the poor in NYC
April 20, 2015
Lean thinking for the public good: feeding the poor in NYC

INTERVIEW – Lean for social good may sound new to many, but to the CEO of one of America’s largest food banks, the partnership between her organization and Toyota to defeat hunger in the Big Apple seems just natural.

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Lean principles in a forensic medicine institute
December 2, 2014
Lean principles in a forensic medicine institute
medicina legal lean approach

ARTICLE – The Institut de Medicina Legal de Catalunya has learned that employee engagement and lean thinking can shake up even the stiffest of the public sector's working environments.

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Lean's on the menu
June 7, 2023
Lean's on the menu

VIDEO INTERVIEW – This hotel in the Canary Islands is bringing lean to its Kitchen Department, hoping to streamline the process and provide a better service to diners.

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Transforming our business with Daily Management
May 30, 2023
Transforming our business with Daily Management

CASE STUDY – By leveraging Daily Management (DM), Supergasbras was able to change its trajectory and add more value to the customer in a critical sector for society.

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Banking on Lean
April 21, 2023
Banking on Lean

WEB SERIES – Episode 3 of our docuseries on lean in Brazil takes us to the second largest bank in the country. Learn how Bradesco is striving to improve its processes to provide more value to its customers using Lean Thinking.

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Arrows and loops - the evolution of our management system
February 17, 2023
Arrows and loops - the evolution of our management system

FEATURE – A senior executive of a Spanish hotel chain shares an example of how the organization’s management system and visual tools have changed over time.

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Using lean to make our DNA “stable and flexible”
October 7, 2022
Using lean to make our DNA “stable and flexible”

CASE STUDY – This transport and logistics company in Colombia has turned to Lean Thinking to become more adaptive and ensure an easier post-acquisition integration of new cultures.

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Lean in hospitality: challenges and opportunities
September 20, 2022
Lean in hospitality: challenges and opportunities

INTERVIEW – Juan Pedro Gonzalez is a pioneer of lean in hospitality, having spearheaded the transformation of Spain’s Dreamplace hotels since the beginning. Here, he discusses what role lean can play in advancing the industry.

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A leaner housekeeping
July 26, 2022
A leaner housekeeping

CASE STUDY – Hotels of the Palladium Group are implementing Lean Thinking in their housekeeping departments to improve efficiency and service quality.

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An enterprise-wide cultural transformation
July 15, 2022
An enterprise-wide cultural transformation

CASE STUDY – A Chilean company selling and servicing vehicles and equipment for a variety of industries has made of humility the leading trait of its cultural transformation, with great results.

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Local experience for a global endeavor
June 28, 2022
Local experience for a global endeavor

FEATURE – A former ops manager now tasked for improvement across IKEA looks back at what she learned in one of the company’s stores and explains how she hopes to take lean to the whole group.

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Operation Honeybee
April 12, 2022
Operation Honeybee

FEATURE – To consistently identify new and better ways of doing things can breathe new life into a lean journey, but only if the knowledge developed can be effectively shared across the organization.

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Cultivating CI in a digital work environment
December 13, 2021
Cultivating CI in a digital work environment

FEATURE – This global designer and manufacturer has leveraged a remote kaizen initiative to keep the flame of continuous improvement burning during the Covid-19 pandemic.

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How the gemba shaped my leader standard work
September 16, 2021
How the gemba shaped my leader standard work

FEATURE – Sharon Visser shares her leader’s standard work from when she ran the Ngami car dealership and encourages us to use what we see at gemba to shape our own.

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Is radical quality possible in the tech industry?
September 8, 2021
Is radical quality possible in the tech industry?

FEATURE - The author explains how a recent book on radical quality improvement in manufacturing inspired him to initiate similar experiments in his software development firm.

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Lean and agile, how they interact
September 2, 2021
Lean and agile, how they interact

FEATURE – This article explains how Lean Thinking and the agile method can strengthen and optimize our digital transformation efforts.

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Andon squares - 5S in the office
August 9, 2021
Andon squares - 5S in the office

FEATURE – As she gets ready to publish a book on her experience running Halfway Toyota Ngami, the author looks back at one of the best visuals the team implemented during the transformation.

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Reinventing reimbursement
July 26, 2021
Reinventing reimbursement

CASE STUDY – The reimbursement department of the largest independent insurance company in Brazil has brought together lean and digitalization to improve its service to customers.

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Kaizen I didn't know was there
June 15, 2021
Kaizen I didn't know was there

FEATURE – As she packs before leaving Botswana, the author tells us of a wonderful example of Lean Thinking that resurfaced from her past working in the Botswana tourism industry.

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Six digital tools to make your marketing “leaner”
April 19, 2021
Six digital tools to make your marketing “leaner”

FEATURE – To make the right decisions, the contribution of the team and the leader’s intuition are not enough. It’s also critical to identify the most effective channels and activities for your marketing activities.

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Keeping up with change in retail
March 8, 2021
Keeping up with change in retail

FEATURE – A lean retail experiment: Carrefour Group in Brazil has started a lean journey to rapidly adapt to market changes and reach excellence in the delivery of value to customers.

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Customer satisfaction in Haidilao restaurants
December 7, 2020
Customer satisfaction in Haidilao restaurants

CASE STUDY – How does a small food shop in Sichuan turn into a $30 billion chain with around 900 restaurants in several countries? By always going the extra mile for customers!

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Turning a cave into a museum with lean marketing
November 26, 2020
Turning a cave into a museum with lean marketing

FEATURE – Using lean marketing principles, an entrepreneur in southern Italy was able to pivot from a potentially bad investment and create a unique customer experience instead.

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Putting the customer at the heart of public service
October 22, 2020
Putting the customer at the heart of public service

FEATURE – This story of a lean application in elderly care in a Norwegian borough demonstrates the great strides that can be made in providing better service to citizens if their needs become the focus of the work.

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Designing the best possible process
October 12, 2020
Designing the best possible process

FEATURE – This article analyzes some of the most effective tools lean practitioners can deploy to design solid processes characterized by an effective sequence of tasks and a focus on customer value.

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Transforming our training company
August 3, 2020
Transforming our training company

FEATURE – To lean out a training organization means to both transform its internal processes and integrate Lean Thinking in its educational offering: the story of ZingTrain.

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Making a hotel restaurant leaner and safer
August 24, 2020
Making a hotel restaurant leaner and safer

CASE STUDY – This hotel in Spain has been able to leverage Lean Thinking in its restaurant to successfully adapt to the new Covid-19 regulations enforced in the country, becoming more efficient along the way.

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Our hotel after Covid-19
August 6, 2020
Our hotel after Covid-19

CASE STUDY – Not even a pandemic can prevent a lean organization from learning: this hotel in Tenerife has decided to make the most of its forced closure to review and improve its processes.

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Lean innovations for restaurants
June 22, 2020
Lean innovations for restaurants

FEATURE – The restaurant business has always been tough, but Covid-19 is now presenting it with new challenges. The author shares a few lean practices that can help restaurants develop competitiveness.

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The ball is in our court
May 28, 2020
The ball is in our court

CASE STUDY – The author, who leads the CI team in a large real estate company, discusses the lean transformation of the business and role of the improvement team in it.

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Down with batching
June 8, 2020
Down with batching

FEATURE – To speed up the issuance of insurance policies, a SulAmérica department decided to move away from big batches and start working in flow.

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Reimagining restaurants after Covid-19
May 12, 2020
Reimagining restaurants after Covid-19

FEATURE – The future has never looked more uncertain for restaurants and cafes. The authors share a set of practical lean tips that can guide these organizations navigate the storm.

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Spaghetti charts and physical distancing
April 20, 2020
Spaghetti charts and physical distancing

FEATURE – A simple lean tool can help us create safer flows in our businesses, a critical challenge as we plan our return to work with new physical distancing measures in place.

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Staying ready in uncertain times
April 30, 2020
Staying ready in uncertain times

NOTES FROM THE (VIRTUAL) GEMBA – Throughout the lockdown, this car-selling business has never lost its focus on people development. The author learns how this approach is helping the firm make the most of the crisis.

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The power of lean planning
March 12, 2020
The power of lean planning

FEATURE – A Dutch transmission system operator is using Lean Planning – built around the Last Planner System – to better manage its complex infrastructure projects.

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Grievances first
February 3, 2020
Grievances first

NOTES FROM THE GEMBA – How do you kick off a lean journey? This French company has chosen to begin by analyzing and tackling each customer complaint.

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