Planet Lean: The Official online magazine of the Lean Global Network
Banking on Lean

Banking on Lean

Roberto Priolo
April 21, 2023
A Lean World - Episode 3 - Bradesco

WEB SERIES – Episode 3 of our docuseries on lean in Brazil takes us to the second largest bank in the country. Learn how Bradesco is striving to improve its processes to provide more value to its customers using Lean Thinking.

Scripted, edited and narrated by: Roberto Priolo

In January, I visited Bradesco in its giant São Paulo headquarters to learn about the lean work taking place in the Service and Operations department. The organization is developing its people in the hope to change their mindset and encourage them to collaborate more actively and become problem solvers.

Thank you to Lean Institute Brasil for facilitating this visit.


Roberto Priolo
Roberto Priolo is Editor of Planet Lean and Head of Communications at Lean Global Network

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Making a hotel restaurant leaner and safer
August 24, 2020
Making a hotel restaurant leaner and safer

CASE STUDY – This hotel in Spain has been able to leverage Lean Thinking in its restaurant to successfully adapt to the new Covid-19 regulations enforced in the country, becoming more efficient along the way.

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Spotify proves the hierarchical organization is an old tune
January 27, 2015
Spotify proves the hierarchical organization is an old tune

VIDEO INTERVIEW – Hierarchical organization, goodbye! Embracing servant leadership and a horizontal reporting structure, Spotify is redefining the idea of company.

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Quality by kaikaku
December 13, 2018
Quality by kaikaku

CASE STUDY – This Turkish producer of sanitaryware has boosted its quality so dramatically it’s now a player in the German market. It did so by bringing drastic change to its production system.

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These university students are replacing theses with A3s
April 20, 2018
These university students are replacing theses with A3s
A3s university Avans

INTERVIEW – In this Dutch university, lean is not only taught in the classroom. A3s are now replacing the writing of a thesis as the final assignment students are asked to complete.

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