Planet Lean: The Official online magazine of the Lean Global Network
How we are creating a lean daily management system

How we are creating a lean daily management system

Amalia Vidal Vasquez
November 8, 2018

VIDEO – The director of a hotel in Tenerife explains the first steps the team is taking to develop a lean daily management system, and how this connects to the organization's hoshin.

Words: Amalia Vidal Vásquez, Hotel Director, Dreamplace Hotels & Resort – Tenerife, Spain

A couple of weeks ago, I shared our hoshin with you all. Strategy deployment is giving us a way to connect improvement at the gemba with business goals... but that's only parts of the story.

It's great to have improvements and new standards popping up across the hotel, but we also need a way to assess their effectiveness on a daily basis - that's where the "flecha" comes in. That's the name ("arrow" in English) we give to our daily management board in our hotel. In the video below, I talk about it and I explain how it connects with our hoshin.

If you ever wondered how a daily management board is born, you might find this useful.

Happy viewing!

Amalia Vidal Vásquez is the Director of the Hotel Tigotan Playa de las Americas in Tenerife

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Daily management in construction
December 9, 2019
Daily management in construction

FEATURE – How lean daily management helped a Brazilian construction company to stabilize production in a tailing dam elevation project.

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A lean view on... the fight against climate change
October 15, 2020
A lean view on... the fight against climate change

INTERVIEW – What is the contribution of Lean Thinking to the battle against climate change? Michael Ballé discusses the Toyota approach to sustainability and what it takes to push "green" to the top of the business agenda.

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Lean lessons for the climate crisis
December 20, 2021
Lean lessons for the climate crisis

FEATURE – Tackling climate change forces us to rethink everything we do as a society. Here’s three lean lessons that can show us a way forward.

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Toyota helps Christleton High School to apply lean thinking
February 4, 2016
Toyota helps Christleton High School to apply lean thinking
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INTERVIEW – At the recent UK Lean Summit, we met the Head of Student Services of an English high school. We asked her about the interesting work the school is doing to improve the delivery of education to students with special needs using lean thinking.

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