lean software development

All articles about lean software development

The Lean Tech Manifesto
July 11, 2024
The Lean Tech Manifesto

INTERVIEW – A recently-published book discusses how Lean is the only way for a company to scale while retaining an Agile culture. We talk to one of the authors.

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The value of software
February 24, 2022
The value of software

FEATURE – The authors explain why putting value at the heart of customer discussions is key to developing a successful, resilient tech firm.

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Deep dive in a lean digital company #5
July 5, 2021
Deep dive in a lean digital company #5

FEATURE – For a few years now, Theodo has made of quality and customer satisfaction the main focus of its work, and it is paying off. But what does it mean to pursue and improve quality at a digital company?

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Deep dive in a lean digital company #4
June 3, 2021
Deep dive in a lean digital company #4

FEATURE – This month, the author learns how gemba walks happen in a digital environment, where the work and information are typically hidden in computers.

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Menlo: delighting customers by bringing joy to staff
May 5, 2015
Menlo: delighting customers by bringing joy to staff

INTERVIEW – At the recent Lean Transformation Summit in New Orleans, we sat down with Richard Sheridan of Menlo Innovations to discuss the ground-breaking concept of joy in the workplace.

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The lean developer
December 14, 2020
The lean developer

FEATURE – How can digital companies develop a competitive edge in the "tech first" future? By using Lean Thinking to ensure continuous learning and transform the way coders think and work.

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Slashing onboarding time for new developers
September 30, 2019
Slashing onboarding time for new developers

BUILDING BRIDGES – Using kaizen, a team at Theodo was able to reduce the time necessary to install a project on a new developer’s computer from three weeks to twelve minutes.

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Ferreting out lean improvements at a web company
November 20, 2018
Ferreting out lean improvements at a web company

NOTES FROM THE GEMBA – The author visits a comparison website that is gradually integrating agile and lean thinking in its processes, identifying new and exciting improvement opportunities.

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Bringing agility to Toyota
August 22, 2018
Bringing agility to Toyota

INTERVIEW – The Chief of Agile at Toyota Connected tells us about the agility journey of Toyota and explains why the divide between lean thinking and Agile has no reason to exist.

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Using lean to gain a competitive advantage
July 13, 2018
Using lean to gain a competitive advantage

NOTES FROM THE GEMBA – In the web marketing world, a competitive advantage is a matter of life and death for businesses. The author meets a firm that has been leveraging lean to gain one.

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Drawing inspiration from a factory's kaizens and dojos
April 11, 2018
Drawing inspiration from a factory's kaizens and dojos

BUILDING BRIDGES – This month, a CTO explains how his software company borrowed the kaizen spirit – and the idea of a dojo – from an avionics factory and put it to good use.

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Why real kaizen and innovation start with leadership
November 21, 2017
Why real kaizen and innovation start with leadership

FEATURE – Following a visit to a Toyota supplier in Japan, the authors reflect on the nature of kaizen and explain why we might be looking for it in the wrong place.

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The young firm fulfilling the potential of lean in digital
November 3, 2017
The young firm fulfilling the potential of lean in digital

INTERVIEW – Software development company Theodo is a unique example of a digital company that has fully embraced lean and understood its potential. We caught up with their young CEO and CTO.

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CI&T: lean as a way to develop leaders and manage growth
May 3, 2017
CI&T: lean as a way to develop leaders and manage growth
CI&T lean thinking agile

INTERVIEW – CI&T is a very successful Brazilian IT and software engineering company that has found in lean thinking a way to build on its agile work while better approaching leadership development.

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Boosting the lean-agile maturity of our teams
August 23, 2022
Boosting the lean-agile maturity of our teams

FEATURE – BRQ Digital Solutions shows that effective customer-focused improvement must happen from the inside out, with team development aligned with the pillars of lean digital transformation.

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Recreating that “coffee break magic”
August 2, 2022
Recreating that “coffee break magic”

CASE STUDY – This digital organization has embarked on a cultural transformation that is allowing them to become more agile while keeping people and stimulating interactions at the heart of their work.

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Building quality into our code using the red bins system
June 7, 2018
Building quality into our code using the red bins system

BUILDING BRIDGES – In this article, we learn how a team of software developers leverages the lean concept of “red bins” to ensure the quality of the code they write.

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These developers learned what lean can do that agile cannot
May 11, 2018
These developers learned what lean can do that agile cannot

FEATURE – In this article, we learn how a simple andon system and lean problem solving helped Theodo move past some of the most common obstacles that Agile alone can’t overcome.

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Learning to think holistically about customer value
April 3, 2018
Learning to think holistically about customer value

PROFILE – The leader we profile today has a holistic view of the digital world. He brought Agile to Australia, and after embracing lean thinking he has helped to make REA Group one of the country's best digital brands.

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Only kaizen can scale a digital product past its MVP phase
March 8, 2018
Only kaizen can scale a digital product past its MVP phase

BUILDING BRIDGES – Struggling to scale a new product past its MVP phase, Theodo tried a number of things before realizing that the only way to retain quality and speed is kaizen.

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How segmenting the work helped a developer see problems
January 11, 2018
How segmenting the work helped a developer see problems

FEATURE – In the second article in our series with Theodo, the CTO tells us about an experiment that showed how problem solving is easier when the job is clearly defined.

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A software developer is inspired by the Toyota weaving looms
December 13, 2017
A software developer is inspired by the Toyota weaving looms

BUILDING BRIDGES – In this new series, people from startup studio M33 discuss their relationship with lean thinking and how the methodology helps them in their daily work.

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Tom and Mary Poppendieck on what makes a business successful
January 22, 2015
Tom and Mary Poppendieck on what makes a business successful

INTERVIEW – Tom and Mary Poppendieck sit down with Roberto Priolo and discuss what makes product organizations successful today and where lean software development is headed.

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How Toyota Material Handling applies principles of lean IT
April 10, 2014
How Toyota Material Handling applies principles of lean IT

INTERVIEW - Håkan Borglund, CIO of Toyota Material Handling Europe, speaks with Planet Lean about Toyota principles and the role of lean IT at Toyota Material Handling.

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Dan Jones reflects on lean management in the digital age
May 20, 2014
Dan Jones reflects on lean management in the digital age

FEATURE - Professor Dan Jones looks at the unique challenges the digital age presents the business community with, and explains how lean thinking can help us to effectively address them.

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