Planet Lean: The Official online magazine of the Lean Global Network
Amazon Web Services' scalable infrastructure for lean IT

Amazon Web Services' scalable infrastructure for lean IT

Carlos Condé
December 18, 2014

VIDEO INTERVIEW - At the Lean IT Summit, we spoke with Amazon Web Services to understand what type of flexible and scalable IT infrastructure allows organizations to be innovative without breaking the bank.

Interviewee: Carlos Condé, Chief Technology Evangelist, Amazon Web Services EMEA

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Fast and lean car servicing and repairs in Botswana
November 1, 2017
Fast and lean car servicing and repairs in Botswana

FEATURE – You have never seen a workshop like this before: Halfway Ngami in Botswana has creatively transformed car servicing and repairs by making problems visible and introducing flow.

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Treating heart attack patients more speedily through lean
September 14, 2017
Treating heart attack patients more speedily through lean

FEATURE – Long waiting times are bad for both patients and hospitals, but when we talk about heart attacks reducing them becomes a moral imperative. Here’s how Hospital Aliança in Brazil is doing it.

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Learning about environmental concerns and strategy at Toyota
July 12, 2017
Learning about environmental concerns and strategy at Toyota

INTERVIEW – It might seem a paradox that the world’s largest automaker is setting the pace for corporate social responsibility. Then again, Toyota never really followed the status quo. Kelly Singer interviews Toyota's Steve Hope.

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Truth conquers all
October 14, 2022
Truth conquers all

FEATURE – Can lean relieve some of the pain and fear people experience in this crazy world? It can, says the author, because amid so much noise lean carries one truth.

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