Planet Lean: The Official online magazine of the Lean Global Network
The experience of a value stream manager in a lean hospital

The experience of a value stream manager in a lean hospital

Leonidia Maria Altoé
December 15, 2017

INTERVIEW - What happens in an organization after a move from silos to value streams? In this video, a Value Stream Manager from a Brazilian cancer treatment center shares her experience.

Interviewee: Leonidia Maria Altoé, Value Stream Manager, Instituto de Oncologia do Vale - Brazil

Too many organizations still have a vertical structure based on silos and functions. Lean thinking calls for a dramatic change in the way the work takes place, based on value streams. At IOV, a cancer treatment center located in São José dos Campos, that's exactly what we did.

In the below interview, I explain what the change meant to me and my colleagues, how it made our jobs easier and how it dramatically improved outcomes for patients.


Leonidia Maria Altoe photograph
Leonidia Maria Altoé is a Value Stream Manager at IOV, in Brazil

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Only kaizen can scale a digital product past its MVP phase
March 8, 2018
Only kaizen can scale a digital product past its MVP phase

BUILDING BRIDGES – Struggling to scale a new product past its MVP phase, Theodo tried a number of things before realizing that the only way to retain quality and speed is kaizen.

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A successful experiment with virtual care
November 22, 2022
A successful experiment with virtual care

CASE STUDY – The Covid-19 pandemic has accelerated the application of Virtual Healthcare across the world. In South Australia, this has been implemented in urgent care.

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What a good supermarket looks like
April 4, 2019
What a good supermarket looks like

THE NAKED GEMBA – Our new series goes back to basics to unlock the secrets of the gemba and tell us about some of the main tools and techniques we can use in a lean transformation. First up, supermarkets.

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Start your change project with a concept paper
July 3, 2018
Start your change project with a concept paper

FEATURE – This article offers an exhaustive explanation of how to prepare a Concept Paper and why this is a tool that will help us to succeed in the execution of large change projects.

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