Webinar: 5 guiding principles to transform healthcare
WEBINAR - The Lean Healthcare Initiative teams presents the results of their research and provide five guidelines to successfully transform healthcare organizations.
Participants: Flávio Battaglia, Lean Institute Brasil; Vyacheslav Boltrukevich, Lean Institute Russia; Oriol Cuatrecasas and Cristina Fortcuberta Adalid, Instituto Lean Management, Barcelona; Alice Lee, Lean Enterprise Institute, Boston; Dr Carlos Frederico Pinto, Instituto de Oncologia do Vale, Brazil.
Moderator: Roberto Priolo, Managing Editor, Planet Lean.
Over the past five years, the Lean Global Network's Lean Healthcare Initiative has carried out extensive research in eight hospitals across five countries. They mapped these lean transformations using a common framework - the Lean Transformation Framework - and came up with a set of guiding principles that can help healthcare organizations around the world reduce the time they need to successfully turn around.
In this webinar, they officially launch their White Paper - Five Guiding Principles to Transform Healthcare - and answer a few questions from the audience.
Download your free copy of the team's White Paper here.
This content is also available in Hungarian here.
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