Planet Lean: The Official online magazine of the Lean Global Network
A video gemba walk to experience visual tools in a hospital

A video gemba walk to experience visual tools in a hospital

Laura Friggi Peters de Holanda
October 26, 2017

VIDEO GEMBA WALK - Last week PL went to Brazil. We joined a doctor at the gemba in one of the hospitals we visited and asked her to show us their visual management system in the ER.

Gemba guide: Laura Friggi Peters de Holanda, Physician and ER Coordinator, Hospital Municipal Dr José de Carvalho Florence - São José dos Campos, Brazil

Back in June, Planet Lean shared the story of how Hospital Municipal Dr José de Carvalho Florence introduced lean thinking to improve its busy Emergency Room. (You can find the article here.) In this video, the ER Coordinator shows us the clever visual management system deployed in the ER, explaining how important a catalyst it is to the organisation's lean transformation:


Laura Friggi Peters de Holanda photograph
Laura Friggi Peters de Holanda is a physician and the ER Coordinator at the Hospital Municipal Dr José de Carvalho Florence, in São Paulo state in Brazil

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Jim Womack drives the Toyota Mirai and talks lean and green
June 28, 2017
Jim Womack drives the Toyota Mirai and talks lean and green

WOMACK’S YOKOTEN – After a road trip from Boston to Philadelphia driving Toyota’s hydrogen fuel-cell Mirai, Jim reflects on lean and green and why the two are not necessarily the same.

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Emotions on the gemba
October 4, 2022
Emotions on the gemba

FEATURE – They say lean is all about people, and yet emotions – something we all feel and express daily – are largely absent from the lean discourse. The authors discuss the role they play in a lean transformation.

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Lean thinking and the challenges it will face
October 14, 2014
Lean thinking and the challenges it will face

ARTICLE - How can creativity and standards coexist? How do we move beyond silos? How do we fully understand the voice of the customer? Dan Jones reflects on three key questions for the lean movement.

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Lean innovations for restaurants
June 22, 2020
Lean innovations for restaurants

FEATURE – The restaurant business has always been tough, but Covid-19 is now presenting it with new challenges. The author shares a few lean practices that can help restaurants develop competitiveness.

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