Planet Lean: The Official online magazine of the Lean Global Network
To the end of the world

To the end of the world

Roberto Priolo
November 17, 2023

WEB SERIES - In the last episode of our It's a Lean World series, we travel to the tip of South America to visit the southernmost Distribution Center in the world and learn about its lean work.

Scripted, edited and narrated by: Roberto Priolo

Sanchez y Sanchez, in Punta Arenas, Chile, is a retailer that runs the southernmost Distribution Center on the planet. What are the challenges inherent to operating in such a remote part of the globe? And does Lean Thinking help the organization cope with them? Watch the last episode of Season 2 of our It's a Lean World web series to find out!

Thank you to Lean Institute Chile for facilitating this visit.


Roberto Priolo is Editor of Planet Lean and Head of Communications at the Lean Global Network

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When lean gets hard it is managers who have to persevere
March 7, 2017
When lean gets hard it is managers who have to persevere

FEATURE – A lean journey often has more downs than ups, but it is a responsibility of management to persist and keep asking the right questions that will steer the firm in the right direction.

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Harada-san and the steps to better Jidoka
March 23, 2020
Harada-san and the steps to better Jidoka

FEATURE – In the first piece of a series on Takehiko Harada’s contribution to TPS, the authors discuss the Nagara Switch and how it helps to achieve better Jidoka.

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Business growth, human growth
July 3, 2014
Business growth, human growth

FEATURE - In his latest article, the author explains why pursuing human growth as part of our lean efforts is meaningless until we fully master our pull systems.

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Lean in hospitality: challenges and opportunities
September 20, 2022
Lean in hospitality: challenges and opportunities

INTERVIEW – Juan Pedro Gonzalez is a pioneer of lean in hospitality, having spearheaded the transformation of Spain’s Dreamplace hotels since the beginning. Here, he discusses what role lean can play in advancing the industry.

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