The gift of change

WEB SERIES – In Episode 2 of our docuseries on lean in Brazil, we learn how the pioneering efforts of a cancer clinic have inspired the city of São José dos Campos to transform into a lean healthcare cluster.
Scripted, edited and narrated by: Roberto Priolo
Join us as we visit two healthcare organizations in the city of São José dos Campos. Inspired by the lean work of Instituto de Oncologia do Vale (which we covered in Episode 1), the Hospital Municipal and the primary care unit Campos de São José have initiated their own transformations. You'll also learn about a successful city-wide initiative to improve access to cancer care for citizens. This is a story of Yokoten and how lean can spread across organizations.
Thank you to Lean Institute Brasil for facilitating these visits.

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FEATURE – In February, our affiliate in the Netherlands turned 20. The President of Lean Management Instituut reflects on this achievement and looks back at these two decades.

NOTES FROM THE GEMBA - We follow the author on a visit to a train maintenance center in France. Through practical examples and pictures from the gemba, she explains how the center is transforming itself.

COLUMN - Michael Ballé on why Toyota still inspires him in a way that no other organization can, and on the lessons lean thinkers can learn from the two most successful carmakers.

FEATURE – We can have the best processes in place and the best people on payroll, but if our goals are wrong our drive towards lean management won't be enough. Part 3 of Hazards on the road to lean.