Planet Lean: The Official online magazine of the Lean Global Network
Womack and Jones: the fathers of lean thinking interviewed

Womack and Jones: the fathers of lean thinking interviewed

Dan Jones and Jim Womack
December 22, 2014

VIDEO INTERVIEW - At last month's UK Lean Summit, we sat down with Dan Jones and Jim Womack, founding fathers of lean thinking, to discuss the evolution, current state and future of the methodology.

Interviewees: Dan Jones, Lean Enterprise Academy; Jim Womack, Lean Enterprise Institute

Interviewer: Roberto Priolo, Editor, Planet Lean


Jim Womack photograph

Daniel Jones and Jim Womack are co-authors of the seminal books The Machine that Changed the World, Lean Thinking and Lean Solutions and co-founders of the lean movement. Dan is founding chair of the Lean Enterprise Academy in the UK, while Jim served as chairman and CEO of the Lean Enteprise Institute in the US from 1997 to 2010.

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Two years of hoshin at the Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure
August 27, 2015
Two years of hoshin at the Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure

FEATURE – The theory of hoshin kanri is clear, but how can you adapt it to a government organization structured in departments where making A3s is not a daily practice? A Dutch ministry shares its experience.

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Lean ASAP!
November 2, 2020
Lean ASAP!

CASE STUDY – Some blamed lean for the shortages of personal protective equipment (PPE) in first wave of the pandemic. This small Norwegian producer of disposable bedsheets used it to establish and ramp up the production of medical gowns for healthcare workers.

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A hospital CEO on lean and the Covid resurgence
January 7, 2021
A hospital CEO on lean and the Covid resurgence

FEATURE – As South Africa fights a second Covid-19 wave, the CEO of a hospital group shares some of the lessons learnt so far and how Lean Thinking is helping the organization resist.

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The ball is in our court
May 28, 2020
The ball is in our court

CASE STUDY – The author, who leads the CI team in a large real estate company, discusses the lean transformation of the business and role of the improvement team in it.

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